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A Personal Note From Zamenhof

The Trailer

In our trailer we entertained, in a mockumentary style, the idea that Europe, the one after the Brexit, chose Esperanto as the language of the European Union. True, it has not happened yet. But the idea is that, in addition to the mother tongues, there will be an easy bridging language accessible to all, which can contribute to human brotherhood and cooperation to save the planet.

My Esperanto - an heritage from a passed-away Jewry

Jews have been exposed throughout history to harsh discrimination, persecution, humiliation, exile, murder and annihilation.

With my current, temporary visit, I experience a miracle:  I can communicate at all times, with the whole world, in any language - via the incredible internet. Your world is infinitely better than the one I came from. Therefore, in my opinion, the Internet is the perfect medium for representing my Esperanto: Language and the Internet have the same purpose: to connect people. And what is better for us, the Jews, than to connect human beings and bring them to do a substantial deed in order to save the Earth, our one and only home?

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