Was he a genius, far ahead of his time, who released humanity from the shackles of oppression, religion and hypocrisy?
Or was he a greedy charlatan who contaminated humanity’s moral values and swindled theories from others?
You are about to find out:
Ladies and gentlemen please welcome – Sigmund Freud!
He died in 1939 – yet he is still considered as being “More Alive Than Dead”.
Our film is about the many aspects of our life that are replete with Sigmund Freud’s legacy - as in culture, politics, economy, art, humor, consumerism, mental-health, films/TV, language, education, child-upbringing, media, literature, neuro-science, legislation - and more.
The film is presented in a light and fun manner and is adorned with vivid animated illustrations.

the team
Producer: Marek Rozenbaum – Transfax Productions
Director/CoProducer: Tzachi Schiff – Kasax Productions
Editor/Script-Editor: Ofra Abramov
Inspiration: Horacio Cardo
Creative Director: Liron Druyan
Animation, graphic design, post: Liron Druyan Studio, Nadav Rosenblum
Music: Boaz Schory
Sound Design: Michal Gideon, Andres Rapaport
Content Editor: Carmit Sapir Weitz
Genre: Documentary With Animated Illustrations
Duration: 65 minutes

Therapy wars: The Revenge Of Freud
The Guardian, 2016
Cheap and effective, CBT became the dominant form of therapy, consigning Freud to psychology’s dingy basement. But new studies have cast doubt on its supremacy –
and shown dramatic results for psychoanalysis. Is it time to get back on the couch?
Dr. Gabriel Bukobza commented regarding The Guardian article :
In the last two decades the status of psychoanalysis and dynamic therapeutic method worsened.
Other methods such as the CBT were perceived as cheaper and more effective than psychoanalysis. They were favored among decision makers because of their low price and the claim that they are capable of presenting results within a short period. But life is a spiral wheel that is placed on the back of a drunk turtle….
A series of studies that were recently published in scientific journals revealed the weakness of CBT practices (such as excessive early-screening of up to two-thirds of the participants because their mental situation was "too complex"). However, recent studies have shown the long-term influence of the dynamic treatment. This is an interesting article and the conclusion is: Back to the sofa, and to language ...
Dr. Gabriel Bukobza, Tel Aviv University